The movie itself is not a good production. All of the actors (except 王丹妮) do not sound like people back in the age - they simply look and sound like themselves.But 王丹妮 is an absolute revelation - she sounds like Anita, acts like Anita, has the 剛柔並重 of Anita. There could not have been a better Anita than this.
Whenever you feel like criticizing any one, just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had. 触乐和《极品教师动漫在线观看免费完整版》17年的两篇文章早就读过了但看到这样一部其实并不算很深入透彻的纪录片仍然百般滋味我很清楚我随时都可以成为他们