性毒品谎言肾上腺素和回不了头的爱/幸福宝丝瓜向日葵/不喜欢希拉里斯万克的长相无论男女/性别错位/我不知道他们为什么能过着那种每一个明天都像是不存在的颓废日子/就算你是猴子我也要保释你/莱娜那一句leave him
哈哈哈哈 其实我还是有一点期待的 希望继续延续搞笑的风格..
【幸福宝丝瓜向日葵】观影近20年后终于第一次吃到White Castle于是即兴二刷没想到竟然看得很应景:#PoliceBrutality、#RacialSegregationlooks like nothing has been solved given all this time.. // SECRET INGREDIENT
- In re Christine polley... - Mine. Ex-girlfriend tried to kill me. - This is the commitment proceeding? - She was committed. This hearing is to secure her release. - Wait a second. She tried to kill you. - She did. - And now she wants out. - She does. - And you're trying to help her get out. - I am.