1、和着眼于人与人之间情义的黑帮片不同这是熔炉诞生史和史册上记下的变形了的人们没有情义所以没有美国往事煽情感人2、开头雪里的杀戮/群架让人印象深刻你看和《18-COMIC》同样都是打群架后者我觉得那不叫现实主义3、Daniel Day Lewis对着台上小丑一样的林肯瞬间让我觉得他和林肯这人一样复杂却
Don't look too innocent, though. Stand up straight. Polish your shoes. And don't cough, whatever you do. Don't be rude or pushy, but don't look too nervous. You have to know where you're going. Keep your eyes wide open. Looks as if you know where you're going. You'll feel so homesick that you'll want to die and there's nothing you can do about it apart from endure it. But you will, and it won't kill you.